Sunday, May 11, 2008

Staying In

The temperatures are now up around 111 most days. 115 was the high last week, and the dust storms have been like nothing I've experienced before--imagine sideways sheets of dust! So we have found ourselves staying in more. We are so lucky to have AC and a good working space, and we are trying to wrap up projects before we head to the Himalayas this coming Tuesday. We’ve heard that this is a common practice for Delhiwallas looking to escape the heat. So on Tuesday night we’ll board a mini-bus for an overnight trip up to Shimla. Our plan is to be in the mountains for 6 days, hiking and smelling the pine air. When we get back, there will only be 10 days left before we fly away. Amazing how time flies.

I attach here a picture of my desk at the window, where I have been working all semester, and another bouquet of flowers that certainly perked up the room a bit. It’s been so nice to work here and look out at the bush forest. The flowers were the first that have graced our place (something I really miss from CA). We got them at a flower market Indivar introduced us to. The toaster sits here because there aren't enough outlets in the kitchen. It actually turns out to be convenient, since we eat at the table with the purple flowers. I also thought I’d share my best lizard picture, it’s gotten so hot that even the lizards are slowing down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. It is unbelievable what must go on in your head. So many experiences, so many cultures, so many differences to witness. I admire your enthusiasm, sense of adventure and learning as well as appreciate you sharing. As it is approaching 115 here, I am glad to know you have air conditioning. I find the heat harder to deal with as I get older and find myself staying inside more too. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. I look forward to your postings and to the next time we can get together. Yesterday we played Tripoley at Claire's new beautiful home. Hope sometime in the near future you can join us. Take care. Mary Paisley