Sunday, March 30, 2008


The mosquitos are getting thick. At yoga each body has at least 5 flying about at we sit in a meditative pose. Everyone else seems less effected by these pests—that also bite me with abandon. Strangely though I have never been bitten during yoga. Norbert sat in on a class, a Literary Theory class, this past week and the mosquitos were thick. No one else seemed to notice at all. Still we understand that most people sleep with a mosquito net and get these little electrical plug in devices that emit some sort of invisible spray into the air and are supposed to kill the mosquitos. We took this advice and maybe see a few less mosquitos in our apartment. However, in the last 24 hours they seem to have gotten worse. This morning was particularly funny. We have gotten into the habit of making French toast on Sunday, and just as we were enjoying a little taste of home, a mosquito dropped into Norbert’s French toast. Yea, straight out of the air—I guess the plug in mosquito killer is sort of working.

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