Friday, February 8, 2008

Yoga 2

It's cold here today and through our drafty windows I can smell the little wood fire the security guard and workers are huddled around about 25 feet away. Yoga this morning--my third time this week. The teacher reminds me of a very brown and very, very flexible!! Winnie the Pooh. He's got a wonderful grin and wears a white korta and those big pants (pijama? lungi?) and a soft embroidered brown long vest--all quite typical for Indian men here--but the white and the soft brown look great on him. He does the class in Hindi with the occasional English words--which is sometimes hilarious. Today he reminded us to be neutral, by saying "neuter." I mostly just follow along by watching others. It's a very relaxing class with lots of breathing exercising, stretching of all the muscles, 5 sun salutations and savasana interspersed after each harder exercise. I especially like it after the 13 min run I do to get there. Then I run back home. So it's a nice way to start the morning. There are mostly Indians in the class, but I have gotten to know a French girl, a student here at JNU, who's been to India many times and speaks good Hindi. She studies a minority religion in the Punjab founded by the lower caste.

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